October 17, 2016

Sketch 17.10.016

1 comment:

John Connor - Murderous Ink Press said...

Dear Mr Porcel,
I'm would like to option one to two pieces of your artwork I found on the CGSociety website, as potential covers for a future series of crime short story anthologies we're in the process of setting up. If you have no objection, we would like to consider both Lobster for Dinner, and, Hot Lead.
The intention would be to purchase a one-time-use-only agreement, even though we may never actually use the artwork Hot Lead.
The intended licence agreement would cover 1 x Paperback Anthology, 1 x ebook, and a website thumbnail.
The licence would still allow you to place the work elsewhere and allow us to move the publication dates as/if required.
We would not hold any copyright and you would receive full credit and URL space for your own personal website/gallery.
Would you be interested?

Best regards,

John Connor
Murderous Ink Press
murderous-ink [at] GMX [dot] co [dot] uk